Convention time (May 27-30) is fast approaching. Full details on the program will bo found elsewhere in this issue.
This, primarily, is to issue everyone an invitation to attend. We feel we have an extremely varied and interesting program one which will provide food for thought and discussion for many months to come.
Housing can be provided for out-of-towners, if we are advised in advance. We would also warn you that the climate in San Francisco is unpredictablo. A suit and/or topcoat are advisable, as are lighter clothes (in case it is warm) and informal wear. Convention activities will be varied.
We must know in advance how many are coming so that we can let the hotel know how many lunches and dinners are necessary. So send in your reservations NOW. For your convenience a reservation blank is enclosed in this issue.
Price for the entire Saturday session, including luncheon and banquet, is $12.50. This program is open to the public.
Prices for single sessions are sessions are as follows:
Morning session
Afternoon session $2.00
Ban que t
This is DOB's first National Convention, and everyone in San Francisco has worked very hard to make it a success. The next convention will not be until 1962.
Remember, we must have your registration in advanoo. So send your check now either in the full amount of $12.50 or for a deposit of at least $5.00.